The Death of the Author


The Death of the Author • Libretto •

The Death of the Author is an opera I’ve been writing since early 2019. It is based off a short story by Jorge Luis Borges titled The Secret Miracle, and roughly follows its plot line. Read It Here

Because the story takes place in Germany, and was written in Spanish, as well as the main character Jaromir Hladik writing and translating Hebrew texts, the story seems very multilingual. For this reason I have decided to write the libretto in multiple languages, specifically German, Spanish, and English. I picked German, as it would best suit the ‘Schoenberg-Esque’ style I intend to write some of the opera in, and also because it takes place in Berlin. This is going to be extremely difficult, not to mention the difficulty of writing libretto in my native language, although I have been in contact with a translator who has agreed to help me with this project. I suppose I will have plenty of time. Please check back here at a later date for updates.

Aug. 30, 2022


Here is a possible line that could be used in the section in which Hladik contemplates his immortality. I’ve included it translated to German, as well as the original. If you would like more context as to why I’ve chosen this line, please read the post I wrote on the Death of the Author page below. Most likely for the final version I will make the phrase in reference to the Male Psyche.

"Das war die Frau selbst, mit ihren plötzlichen Ängsten, ihren irrationalen Launen, ihren instinktiven Sorgen, ihrer ungestümen Kühnheit, ihren Aufregungen und ihrer köstlichen Sensibilität."

"This was the woman herself, with her sudden fears, her irrational whims, her instinctive worries, her impetuous audacity, her excitements and her delicious sensitivity."


The Death of the Author

